Thursday, August 10, 2006


Nick and I walked around München all day. It's a pretty cool city, with beer available everywhere, and they seem to love lions. All along the main street for tourists and shopping there's statues of lions painted in odd, bright colours. One in particular was blue, had a third eye and clouds and stars all over it. What a tripper.
We went into that huge church in the background, but the Germans just don't put in the effort like the Italians do. Strikingly big, but stark and boring.

There's an enormous park called Englisher Park, which has a river running through it. On sunny days it's supposed to have topless sunbathers everywhere, but unfortunately the weather at the moment bears a striking resemblance to Melbourne around June. That combined with the trams is making me a little homesick.
In this park, also, is a gazebo that apparently operates as an "all night pharmacy". We're thinking of exploring more of the park today.
We went back to the main street in search of some kind of enormous german sausage, but couldn't find one that met our expectations. So disappointing.

Back at the hostel for happy hour, the bar was pretty lame. An American guy attatched himself to us after he failed to pick up some girls from Chicago. Biggest douchebag ever. He would constantly yak at us about something, then look back at the Chicago girls or blow smoke rings (poorly), ignoring whatever it was we had to say. And he wore a stupid hat, and stupid orange sunglasses. What a douche.
Turns out he's on the bunk below me. We ignored him at breakfast.

I got a RedBull this moring from reception at the hostel (Meininger Hostel, pronounced My Ninja). It cost 2.50, but I had to put down an additional .50 deposit, which would be returned to me if I gave back the empty can and the docket I got with it. When I asked why (actually, I said "That's weird") the reply came "It's the German way." Germany rules.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hail Nickler.

Enjoying reading through all your travel guff... Redbull deposit is bizzare - methinks they refill them with cheap substitutes or even urine and re-seal the can in some way (german magic).

Sounds like you may have rediscovered your christianity - visiting alot of churches and cathedrals. Also sounds like you are often quite inebriated leading me to think that not much has changed.

GUI folks all miss ya - Scootz is back saving my ass... Network probs since you left = 0... so you left it in top shape.

Keep updates coming and PHOTOS PHOTOS PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with sean, photos photos photos!
say hi to nick for me and have fun, hopefully i will catch up with you in london or somewhere?
love you!

1:11 PM  
Blogger Nick Tresco said...

Sorry I don't post more pics, guys. It's always a hassle, and not always possible.

4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice work on the RedBull cans - surely there is a scam to be run there somewhere...

12:00 PM  

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