Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Perugia still

I'm in Perugia still (well, actually, the hostel is in Torricella), and today we're going to the chocolate factory for FREE SAMPLES! WOO!

We went into town the other day to check out some of the jazz, and Meghan suggested we go see the aquaduct. It should have been easy to find, as it's supposed to be in Piazza Acqueducto, but we had to ask directions multiple times. One store owner told us to go back to the stairs we walked past and descend them, and gestured the the stairs would continue down where another path would go up. Go up, he said. So we got to that bit, and went up. It was cul de sac footpath. So we turned back and wondered where the fuck you can hide a fucking aqueduct. It was around this time I notice a small plaque next to the path with the word "Acqueducto" inscribed, along with a lot of other gibberish.
So there it is, the only remaining 500m of the aquaduct.

We caught some Jazz and then headed to the station to catch the last train home, without bothering to buy a ticket. It was just a few stops.
It was actually kinda lucky that the inspectors came, because the didn't fine us (you gotta perfect your Confused Idiot Tourist look), but that did tell us that, despite the fact that we could have bought a ticket to Torricella station if we had wanted to, the train was not going to stop there, and that we would have to get off at Magione.
So there we were, stranded in Magione, a bitch of a walk from our hostel. Luckily, Meghan got on the phone and was able to scam us a lift home from an employee of another hostel entirely.
While we were waiting, Kalan and Steph set about building us a hostel that we could stay at if we were stranded, and that would even make us money: just 10m from the station, breakfast included (we'd give them a cigarette) and a playground (broken swing) for the kids.
It would be built from chairs and called Hotel Fortress.

Here's Kalan trying to convice us that it's still good after a light breeze caused a little structural damage.

Tragically, Meghan left for Florence the next day, so the collective Italian speaking skills of our party has gone down by about 90%. Let's see how we do getting home from the Choclate factory today.


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