Sunday, July 16, 2006


We came to Perugia a couple of days ago and are staying in a hostel that's way too far out of the city, but other than that it's fantastic. The guy who runs it, Giacamo, is far too generous... until last night I hadn't payed for a single meal, had I've had quite a few free beers too. Jacamo seems to just want people to come live at this place with him for a while and have a great time, instead of wanting to run a business. He give people lifts all the time, and is just the friendliest guy ever.

All the people here are eerily friendly, though. When we asked at the bus station information booth what we should, the guy came to tell our bus driver where we were going and to tell us where to get off. Then, when we had to change bus, that driver got out and explained the same thing to the other driver. It's a good thing, too, cos I don't think we could possibly have figured it out without their help. Though, we could have just called the hostel and Jacamo would have insisted he come pick us up.

There's a jazz festival on here at the moment (tonight's the last night), with lots of great people playing. Unfortunately we got here right at the end of it, and I missed Brad Mehldau, but I did manage to get up on the drums and jam with some guys at a club. That was great fun.

We've been hanging out with Meghan from Chicago, who's come to Italy for six weeks to learn the language as part of her college course. She and I get along great, and we spent hours yesterday talking about religion and movies and shit.

Meghan and Laura, while we're playing drinking games.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surely you can be bothered to post some kind of a photo of Megan from Chicago?

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have sore eyes and a crazy love life.

Miss you Tresco. Don't die.

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nicely done with the pictures of Meghan from Chicago and with the correction of her name!


On with the tour I say!

8:29 PM  

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