Thursday, July 20, 2006

Finally leaving Perugia

So, the chocolate factory was a bust. We spent two hours getting there, missed our stop (but luckily the next one wasn't very far), and then we found out that you have to book the tour, and that the last one for the day had JUST left. If only we hadn't missed the stop. We did get a couple of free samples, though.
Also, I discovered this in the parking lot:

I think it's some kind of porno magazine.

It was quickly explained by this sign:
Clearly, the whole area has been corrupted, and you shouldn't eat chocolate from the Perugia Nestle factory, because it will make you blind.

On Wednesday Kalan, Laura and I went to Assisi, which was beautiful. At the Basilica, where you'll find St Francis's tomb, there were over 50 pictures hung in the Piazza, with titles like Witchcraft, Power, Imperialism, Contraception, Women's Sufferage... They're so cool, I had to get a picture of all of them.

We also waited to get into the church that has St Clare's tomb. When the doors opened, we found it wasn't as massive and impressive at the Basilica, and quickly got down to the tomb. It was at that point, though, that a choir started singing these fantastic hymns. It was quite a moment when that sound started filtering down through the stone floor to resonate around the room.

We all ate gelato... the end.

Off to Cinque Terre... after we spend all night in trains and train stations =(


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