Sunday, July 09, 2006


In Rome now, at an internet cafe stinking to high hell cos I haven't showered since I left. My room should be ready now, so I'm pretty anxious to get there.
Get some sleep, too. It's nearly impossible to sleep on an 12 hour economy flight. Well, for me, anyway, but I've always been a picky sleeper.

I got on the wrong train from the airport, so I was lost for many hours. The locals weren't very helpful... they all speak some strange language here.

It may just be because I've gone from winter to summer, and therefore winter-clothed women to summer-clothed women, but I'm pretty sure that all the women here are stunning.
I mean, you can't swing a knife without murdering some bodaciously bootylicious babe.
Speaking of which, I think I hear police sirens. Better go. Tomorrow: Florence! And hopefully some pictures.
a picture that someone had stuck to a road sign (which someone had stuck to a post)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woot! Didja catch the italy world cup celebrations?

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

probability matrix, hey?
so how id you find your way after you got on the wrong train???

2:20 AM  

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