Thursday, July 13, 2006


Well, I've met up with Kalan, Steph, Laura and Andrea, and I'm staying in a tent at a backpacker camping ground thingin Florence.
It's so fucking hot here, but I've gotten used to it pretty quickly.

I know it's pretty early, and I haven't seen Prague yet, but Florence is a serious contented for the most beautiful city in the world.
I saw that big cathedral over there, and went into that gallery over there.... I'll try to rememeber to come fill in those names later.

We've been drinking with Phil the Brit, Roland the 17 year old Dutchman and his mate Daniel the Braizilan, and having a great time. Roland was very impress that I had Brad Mehldau on my iRiver.

Well, internet is hella expensive here, so I'll try to do more comprehensive updates later, including pictures.

Miss you all.

Oh yeah, and we went to Pisa. There is, of course, only one thing to do in Pisa...


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