Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Good to be home

So, we've mostly been chilling at the apartment here in Kreuzberg, Berlin. It's been great to be able to relax in something resembling a home. Kreuzberg is a cool area, though we've most often seen it from the balcony of Sherwin's apartment. So what we see is the apartments across the street. It seems that leaning out of windows is the local passtime. There's a particular family on the top floor across the street that often provides us with entertainment: having conversations from different windows or squeezing out of the same window, lowering fishing line down onto the street for no apparent reason... there's even a dog that comes and leans out, and a woman who comes and makes out with him. Seriously, she licks him back. Then she spits out the window. I haven't seen her hit anyone yet.

It hasn't all been chilling at home. We've been out a couple of times; we went to see a friend of Sherwin's and acqaintence of Nick's gig at White Trash Fast Food, a big resturant/bar/club. The American waitress there was offended by my tip; I guess she thought being a surly bitch and taking 40 minutes to bring us a plate of fries deserved more than 50 cents, so she swore at me and told me to never come back.
After that I tried to convince Nick, Sherwin and Christian that we should go into the goth club right next to White Trash, but they weren't into it, so we moved on to a bar that had been empty recently. Then a goth girl in a corset and little else walked past, so I told the guys I'd meet up with them.
I'm glad I went in there. The music was acceptable, and there was a stripper on the bar, who was a lot more sexy than anything I'd seen in Amsterdam. I had a dance, and a couple of the goths (who dance by stepping side to side and taking a drag on their cigarette every five seconds) complimented my fly skillz.
Later that night we met up with Katie and Hayden, who had just arrived. It was great to catch up, and it ended up being a pretty late night.
Another night we went and saw a gig: Junges Glueck (Young Luck). Terrible, but it was good to see a gig anyway. Sherwin and Nick kicked on to an electro club, but I called it a night. They had an awesome time and met some serious characters.

One thing we have been doing when we've been at home is playing this great German board game called Labrynth. People at the House: get it if you can, you'll love it.

Here's a photo of Nick and I playing it.

We're considering leaving on Friday for Krakow, where I would spend my 22nd birthday on Sunday. But who knows what might happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's Sunday 3rd Sept here so where ever you are have a great birthday

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nicktresco...!!!

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check it out... hope you're cold chillin dude...

8:24 PM  

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