Saturday, September 23, 2006


Oktoberfest is pretty awesome. I met up there with Laura, Steph and Andria, and met some friends they'd made. We got to the first tent (it's more like a barn than a tent... possibly a hanger) at about 11. We were quickly served a litre of 8% beer each.
There were fat men in lederhosen snorting snuff and chowing on chicken, the ladies wearing dirdl, which is really a wonderful outfit. Really compliments the figure of some women.
I bought some snuff. It's really fun when you're drunk, and really unpleasant when you're not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apprently Paris Hilton is @ Ocktoberfest...

If you see her, please slap her.

...and kick her in the crouch. (hard)

3:51 PM  

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